Aksios Corporation Oy

Training days

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Webinaari: Vastuu yhteisön menestymisestä
17 Jan 09:00
Until 17 Jan, 16:00 7h

Webinaari: Vastuu yhteisön menestymisestä



Yhteisöllä on ratkaiseva rooli elämässämme. Yhteisöt tarjoavat tunnetta yhteenkuuluvuudesta ja identiteetistä. Kun ihmiset kokoontuvat yhteen yhteisten kokemusten, arvojen ja tavoitteiden ympärille, he muodostavat yhteyksiä, jotka edistävät heidän hyvinvointiaan. Yhteisöön kuuluminen antaa yhteenkuuluvuuden ja solidaarisuuden tunteen. Yhteisöt tarjoavat tukea haastavina aikoina. Olipa kyse emotionaalisesta, käytännöllisestä tai sosiaalisesta tuesta, yhteisöön kuuluminen auttaa yksilöitä selviytymään elämän ylä- ja alamäistä. Tämä verkosto voi parantaa psyykkistä ja fyysistä hyvinvointia. 

Kenelle sopii: 

Valmennus on suunniteltu henkilöille, jotka haluavat kantaa vastuun yhtiön menestymisestä ja haluavat löytää lisäkeinoja menestyksekkääseen yritystoimintaan. 

Kurssin sisältö:

– Seitsemän tuntia kestävä webinaari Microsoft Teamsillä

– Digitaalinen oppimismateriaali

315.00 €
This event has ended
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Osallistuja Huomaa
- Hintaan lisätään voimassa oleva arvonlisävero (25,5 %). Pidätämme oikeuden muutoksiin.

Online courses

Excellent training

I participated in sales training. The day was inspiring and I learned new ways to arouse the customer’s interest and close deals.

Thanks. It was a good day.

On the self-management day, I really liked the trainer’s stories. There were also new teachings.

I have to say

I have to say, you are by far the best trainer I have listened to; so far, I have already attended several dozen different training sessions. I think your teaching style is top-notch, the discussions and examples are really enlightening. Not once did time drag on the nearby days.


Rewarding discussions and many perspectives. A good comparison of how others have resolved their issues.

Thank you!

Thank you! I was satisfied with the coaching because I learned new things, and both the coaching materials and the coach facilitated my learning. Thank you very much.

The training had

The training had a lot of examples and exercises!! It was nice and helps me a lot.

Thank you!

Thank you! I was satisfied with the coaching because I learned new things, and both the coaching materials and the coach facilitated my learning. Thank you very much.

It was nice

It was nice that open discussions were held about the things to be learned, creating interaction. The material was very interesting and it inspired me to seek out more information myself, for example about body language. Thank you!

A relaxed

A relaxed and fun atmosphere, interesting topics that you want to seek more information about and that you can largely apply immediately in “normal” life ; )

A brilliantly

A brilliantly rewarding day. Clarity, inspiring. A big THANK YOU to Tommi!

These two days

These two days were interesting and I learned a lot for both my professional and personal life…

It was good

It was good that Tommi met our expectations for the coach, meaning that after the theory, there was always a practical example.

The training

The training (or coaching) you provided, as well as the materials received, are really good and practical in such a way that the message gets through even to a very simple person.

This has

This has perhaps been the best course I’ve been on in a long time, and I’ve gained many tools for my personal development.

The most

The most beautiful sentence I learned in the course was: Remember that friendship is a gift you give to yourself.

Thank you

Thank you once again for your excellent coaching. Many have recalled the session afterwards and praised it as the best experience so far.

Tommi simplified

Tommi simplified things so that they were easy to learn. Additionally, he kept the interest alive all the time. It was a very fun and nice day!

Easily approachable

Easily approachable, pleasant atmosphere. Many breaks. Good! More physical tasks, presenting the object as a company was fun.

A small group

A small group brought a solidifying morning. Knowledge of stress, that it exists. Information about how it can be treated/removed. Good thing.
