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The book is intended for those considering entrepreneurship, studying entrepreneurship or are entrepreneurs. The book deals in a practical way with matters such as what entrepreneurship is and how to prepare for it, as well as descriptions of what entrepreneurship gives people.



The book is intended for those considering entrepreneurship, studying entrepreneurship or are entrepreneurs. The book deals in a practical way with matters such as what entrepreneurship is and how to prepare for it, as well as descriptions of what entrepreneurship gives people.

The book is based on experience in entrepreneurship, and genuinely aims to tell about it. A person wanting to become an entrepreneur must have skills, knowledge, and resources to be a successful entrepreneur. A soldier is not sent off to war without a weapon.

The book has been limited to about 100 pages, which is about what can be read in an hour in today’s busy society.

Ossi Tiihonen, entrepreneur: ’Everyone considering entrepreneurship should read this book.’

Vesa Tuomala, entrepreneur: ’I subscribe to every point in this book. Never become an entrepreneur if you have not read this book!’

Language: English
Published: 1.1.2008
Author: Tommi Kokonaho
ISBN: 978-952-99829-3-6 (PDF)
Pages: 103
Book size: A5
Publisher: Aksios Corporation Oy
Format: watermarked PDF
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