360 evaluation of successful leadership and review of the results


Successful leadership 360 is a tool for analyzing and developing leadership qualities and behavior patterns. It is based on a US study of the characteristics of approximately 2,000 managers, the model of people and issue leadership, and the Aksios Successful Leadership model.



Successful leadership 360 is a tool for analyzing and developing leadership qualities and behavior patterns. It is based on a study of the characteristics of approximately 2,000 managers, the model of people and issue leadership, and the Aksios Successful Leadership model.

In the evaluation, answers are given on a scale of 1-5, 120 statements. It takes 15-30 minutes to complete the assessment. The investigated characteristics and operating methods of the person being evaluated are related to leadership characteristics and they are presented as a rule in the form of statements. Example of a statement: the appraisee has the ability to make things go smoothly.

The person responsible for the analysis evaluates on a scale of 1 – 5 how he personally perceives the claims as his own as belonging to oneself or one’s activities. The person evaluating his leadership qualities also responds to the same statements on the same scale as he, for his part, perceives the statements to be true for the person being evaluated, as belonging to the person being evaluated or his activities.

A good group of reviewers is the following:
1. Your supervisor
2. Three to five of your subordinates
3. Three to five of your colleagues OR your company’s internal customer
If you work closely with customers or partners, you can also include three to five of them in your review team.

The evaluation is done confidentially, which means that you cannot see who has answered in any way from the answers. The results of the supervisor’s evaluation differ from this, i.e. the supervisor’s results are directly visible to the person being evaluated as such.

Reviewing the results is mainly carried out using Microsoft Teams.

By obtaining the evaluation, we will send you more detailed instructions for completing the survey.

You can ask Tommi about the suitability of the survey for you or your organization at +3585060345