Aksios Corporation Oy

Start Investing in
Your Future Today

Developing people and companies for more than 20 years!

Unlock knowledge and skills with professional courses.

Or make work more efficient and easier with our software.

Training days and Webinars

All event times are displayed based on Europe/Helsinki timezone.
Mon, 03 Mar 08:45
Maanantai 3.3, klo 8.45 - 16.00 Webinaarissa keskitytään pääsääntöisesti työlainsäädäntöön, käsitellen laajasti ja perusteellisesti sen eri osa-alueita, kuten työsopimuslakia sekä…
confirmation_number 490.00 €
Tue, 04 Mar 09:00
Tiistai 4.3, klo 8.45 - 16.00 Esihenkilötyön parhaiden käytäntöjen valmennuksessa keskitymme ymmärtämään ja kehittämään esihenkilöiden toimintaa. Aloitamme päivän luomalla ymmärrystä…
confirmation_number 490.00 €
Wed, 05 Mar 08:45
Keskiviikko 5.3, klo 8.45 - 16.00 Strateginen johtaminen on yksi yrityksen johtamisen ydinalueita. Tavoitteena on, että osallistuja osaa määrittää toimintalinjat…
confirmation_number 490.00 €
Fri, 07 Mar 08:45
Perjantai 7.3, klo 8.45 - 16.00 Tässä koulutuksessa käymme läpi erilaisia itsejohtamisen tapoja selviytyä ja tuottaa positiivista energiaa itsellemme. Teemme…
confirmation_number 490.00 €
Mon, 17 Mar 08:45
Maanantai 17.3 Ymmärrä myyntiä -valmennuksessa luodaan ymmärrystä ja annetaan työkaluja myyntiin ja tehokkaaseen myyntitapaan. Koulutus keskittyy tulokselliseen myyntityöhön, joka lähtee…
confirmation_number 490.00 €
Tue, 18 Mar 08:45
Tiistaina 18.3. Myyntiin liittyvät vuorovaikutustilanteet päivä paneutuu ihmisiin vaikuttamiseen äänellä ja kehonkielellä sekä ihmisten lukutaitoon ja myyntiin liittyviin vuorovaikutustilanteisiin kuten…
confirmation_number 490.00 €
Wed, 19 Mar 08:45
Keskiviikko 19.3, klo 8.45 - 12.00 Tässä aamupäivän webinaarissa keskitymme itsetunnon merkitykseen ja sen nostattamiseen. Itsetunto on keskeinen tekijä henkilökohtaisessa…
confirmation_number 210.00 €
Thu, 20 Mar 08:45
Torstai 20.3, klo 8.45 - 16.00 Voimaannuttavan johtajuuden koulutus on ohjelma, joka keskittyy johtamiskäyttäytymiseen ja henkilöstöä energisoiviin olennaisiin ominaisuuksiin. Johtajat…
confirmation_number 490.00 €

Aksios Training (video in English)

Pick a Course That
Makes Your Life Better

Do you want to improve your life? Do you want to be more successful at work? Ready? Let’s get started!

Why Choose Us
-Development of people and companies since 2004

In 2004, the founder of our company, Tommi Kokonaho, started to develop people and companies. He has a mild dyslexia, due to which he had studied learning independently. His entrepreneurial background serves as the background for Aksios' educational philosophy. In 2008 Aksios began to produce webinars and online courses quickly emerged. After all, Tommi had been a partner of an IT company in the crazy years of the 1990s and had studied software project management and programming. Thus, Aksios has created online courses (e-courses), held webinars and even developed learning games for mobile platforms.
Only the Most Essential Points

Our courses contain the most essential things in a condensed form. That way you don't waste time studying useless things.

Set Your Own Learning Pace

If you're a busy parent or a professional and have no time for courses during business hours, you can find an online courses that works around your schedule.

Our courses are micro-courses

Micro-courses are small studies, usually about one credit point. They enhance people's competence in the changing and essential areas of competence in working life.

Customer satisfaction

In the customer satisfaction survey conducted in the summer of 2024, we got a total average of 4.44 on a scale of 1-5.

The result of the statement: I would gladly recommend the company’s services and products to others was 4.71.

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Makes Your Working Easier

We have been building business-supporting and enhancing software since 2004.

Customer Profitability

According to the old saying, 80 percent of customers are unprofitable. The work done for them costs the same or more than what the company is paid for the work.

Find out where the employees’ working time is spent and find areas for development.

At the same time, employees can see for themselves what they accomplish at work.

In addition, you can see how different employees spend time doing the same task. In this way, you can learn more effective operating models from your colleagues.

AksiosPro’s customer management application measures how much time is actually spent on different customers, functions and tasks. At the same time, profitable and unprofitable customers are found, in which case “over-service” can be prevented.

Study customer profitability for the desired period of time, for example three months.

This software is in Finnish.

CandP - Copy and Paste App!

Copying and editing standard texts is much easier than writing all emails or texts from scratch.

In addition to ease, errors and misunderstandings are avoided and the company’s communication is harmonized.

CandP makes customer communication easy.

Books and More
